Monday, September 30, 2019

Healthcare & Education

What are some of the barriers and limitations to the transition from one level of care to another? Successful transition of patients from one care level to another is normal and of great importance. Patients who receive good aftercare after inpatient treatment come out much stronger and with low rates of readmission. However in many cases this is not the case hence posing the patients to health risk.Some of the barriers and limits to these transitions include financial constrains, low levels of knowledge and lack of adequate advice to the patients by the health professionals.Ignorance on the side of the people or the professionals also plays a big role. Education and creation of awareness to the general public on the importance of this transition is paramount in that it reduces the risks involved at the various levels (Holloway, 2008). Lack of a clear policy on ways to improve care such as transition care support and voluntary sharing of information on the issue is big obstacle to su ccessful care transition. For elderly, care transitions can usually lead to medication related complications and significantly reduced life span or quality.These calls for devoted efforts by the relevant parties to develop and put in place the necessary tools and initiatives to ensure improved transition. It should be noted that the impact of human error in medicine is unclear since the risk in the health care are based on the disease itself, the desired medicine and the way of medication (Holloway, 2008). This means that transition with medication to be administered without clear guideline may create a bigger problem. The transition problems call for well structured aftercare sessions to refer patients to.Since the human health is always at risk, it is important to ensure that patients actively engage in any prescribed treatment. This include making sure they are entered into the right level of treatment and equipped with the necessary information useful during treatment to ensure motivation and hence avoid relapse. Successful transition to care is the first step towards good health and should always be emphasized. Reference Holloway, D. , (2008). Transitions from one Level of Care to Another. Retrieved on 30th July 2009 from, http://cnx. org/content/m12716/latest/

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Small Island †Andrea Levy

Small Island is a book written by Andrea Levy mainly based on race, War and prejudice in London in 1948, the story is explain through the point of view of 4 different narrators including flashbacks into their pasts. One of the narrators is Gilbert, who appears the charming fool a Jamaican newlywed who served in the RAF during World War II, hopes for a prosperous future in London, though his experience of racial discrimination tells him this won't be achieved easily.This is shown when he is stopped from sitting next to Queenie and Arthur by the usherette and after heated words between them and American soldiers it leads to the death of Arthur (183-193), as well even after serving for England after he rejoins civilization he is still treated poorly His young wife, Hortense, is more naive.Arriving from Jamaica via the empire windrush, hoping to take up a teaching career, as well as trying to find her former flame Michael who left Jamaica to join the RAF after being caught having an affa ir so in a desperate need to continue her dream marries a Gilbert thinking life in England would be great however she is soon in despair over rude rejections and her struggle to make herself understood, literally and figuratively, by white working-class neighbors who don't seem to comprehend the English she learned in her home island.However towards the end she and Gilbert bond more and eventually take in Queenies baby Michael to raise as their own after she plans to leave Queenie’s house and settle down with Gilbert Queenie is a tough, level headed survivor, with a good heart. Brought up on a pig farm in Yorkshire, from an early age she grows to hate the smell of the pigs, the squalor and the blood. With dreams of escape, she finally gets her wish when her kindly Aunt sends the train fare to London. Queenie is open-minded and hungry for new experience. She like Hortense goes to London with hope in her heart.Despite trying to better herself with elocution lessons, she can nev er quite shake her Yorkshire vowels. However an unexpected death forces her into the arms of the educated but rather uninspiring Bernard as to keep her dream Queenie believes that her dreams are lost to her forever.After Bernard goes to war she is forced to look after Bernard’s Mentally ill father and during this she sleeps with Michael a black serviceman she invites to her house who impregnates her, and after Bernard doesn’t return from the war she later invites a man she had earlier met Gilbert after he rescued her father in law  to stay at her house along with his wife who would be arriving as well as a few other lodgers. Queenie and Hortense initially clash however unsurprisingly due to their similarity in life they eventually bond and become as close to friends as they could be which eventually ends in Queenie giving them the baby she had with Hortense’s former companion Michael.However after Bernard returns he blatantly shows unhappiness as black civilia ns living at the house â€Å"Did they have to be coloured† however Queenie seems to be the only white person in the book who doesn’t judge a person based on the colour of their skin Bernard is the husband of Queenie Bligh’s bank clerk husband who seems to be quite stuck up and racist and he is shown to be the complete opposite of Queenie, his dad Arthur who served in World War 1 suffers from shellshock leaving him to not speak after meeting queenieBernard changes from being repressed and quiet to being quite lively and affectionate after marrying queenie whom he loves he reverts back to being his closed down self and leaves to go and join up with the army where he befriends a guy named Maxi however after his death Bernard who seemed the gentle and nonviolent type he got in a fight, and cheated on Queenie with a seemingly under aged prostitute and got what he thought was a life threatening syphilis however It seems to be just a simple Flu.And after two years away he then goes to see Maxi’s Family and then eventually returns home to the shock of queenie †and I was collapsed sitting on the pavement† however Bernard simply replies Indeed when Queenie talks to him showing his ‘boringness’ which Queenie seems to dislike The story starts with a flashback to the past when Queenie was a child. Levy starts with this is as it starts with a showing of the racism as queenie calls the British empire exhibition as Africa due to the black people there showing that racism was imprinted onto children at a young age as well â€Å"go on queenie, kiss him, kiss him† is as if the black man has some sort of disease so Emily is saying I dare you to do it

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Narrative Technique of Sula Essay

Although Sula is arranged in chronological order, it does not construct a linear story with the causes of each new plot event clearly visible in the preceding chapter. Instead, Sula uses â€Å"juxtaposition,† the technique through which collages are put together. The effects of a collage on the viewer depend on unusual combinations of pictures, or on unusual arrangements such as overlapping. The pictures of a collage don’t fit smoothly together, yet they create a unified effect. The â€Å"pictures† of Sula’s collage are separate events or character sketches. Together, they show the friendship of Nel and Sula as part of the many complicated, overlapping relationships that make up the Bottom. Morrison presents the novel from the perspective of an omniscient narrator — one who knows all the characters’ thoughts and feelings. An omniscient narrator usually puts the reader in the position of someone viewing a conventional portrait or landscape rather than a collage. (In such situations, the viewer can perceive the unity of the whole work with only a glance.) To create the collage-like effect of Sula, the omniscient narrator never reveals the thoughts of all the characters at one time. Instead, from chapter to chapter, she chooses a different point-of-view character, so that a different person’s consciousness and experience dominate a particular incident or section. In addition, the narrator sometimes moves beyond the consciousness of single, individual characters, to reveal what groups in the community think and feel. On the rare occasions when it agrees unanimously, she presents the united community’s view. As in The Bluest Eye and Jazz, the comm unity has such a direct impact on individuals that it amounts to a character. In narrative technique for Sula, Morrison draws on a specifically modernist usage of juxtaposition. Modernism, discussed in Chapter 3, was the dominant literary movement during the first half of the twentieth century. Writers of this period abandoned the unifying, omniscient narrator of earlier literature to make literature more like life, in which each of us has to make our own sense of the world. Rather than passively receiving a smooth, connected story from an authoritative narrator, the reader is forced to piece together a coherent plot and meaning from more separated pieces of  information. Modernists experimented with many literary genres. For example, T. S. Eliot created his influential poem The Wasteland by juxtaposing quotations from other literary works and songs, interspersed with fragmentary narratives of original stories. Fiction uses an analogous technique of juxtaposition. Each successive chapter of William Faulkner novel As I Lay Dying, for instance, drops the reader into a different character’s consciousness without the direction or help of an omniscient narrator. To figure out the plot, the reader must work through the perceptions of characters who range from a seven-year-old boy to a madman. The abrupt, disturbing shifts from one consciousness to another are an intended part of the reader’s experience. As with all literary techniques, juxtaposition is used to communicate particular themes. In Cane, a work that defies our usual definitions of literary genres, Jean Toomer juxtaposed poetry and brief prose sketches. In this way, Cane establishes its thematic contrast of rural black culture in the South and urban black culture of the North. Morrison, who wrote her master’s thesis on two modernists, Faulkner and Virginia Woolf, uses juxtaposition as a structuring device in Sula. Though relatively short for a novel, Sula has an unusually large number of chapters, eleven. This division into small pieces creates an intended choppiness, the uncomfortable sense of frequently stopping and starting. The content of the chapters accentuates this choppy rhythm. Almost every chapter shifts the focus from the story of the preceding chapter by changing the point-of-view character or introducing sudden, shocking events and delaying discussion of the characters’ motives until later. In â€Å"1921,† for example, Eva douses her son Plum with kerosene and burns him to death. Although the reader knows that Plum has become a heroin addict, Eva’s reasoning is not revealed. When Hannah, naturally assuming that Eva doesn’t know of Plum’s danger, tells her that Plum is burning, the chapter ends with Eva’s almost nonchalant â€Å"Is? My baby? Burning?† (48). Not until midway through the next chapter, â€Å"1923,† does Hannah’s questioning allow the reader to understand Eva’s motivation. Juxtaposition thus heightens the reader’s sense of incompleteness. Instead of providing quick resolution, juxtaposition  introduces new and equally disturbing events. Paradoxically, when an occasional chapter does contain a single story apparently complete in itself, it too contributes to the novel’s overall choppy rhythm. In a novel using a simple, chronological mode of narration, each succeeding chapter would pick up where the last one left off, with the main characters now involved in a different incident, but in some clear way affected by their previous experience. In Sula, however, some characters figure prominently in one chapter and then fade entirely into the background. The first chapter centers on Shadrack, and although he appears twice more and has considerable psychic importance to Sula and symbolic importance to the novel, he is not an important actor again. In similar fashion, Helene Wright is the controlling presence of the third chapter, â€Å"1920,† but barely appears in the rest of the book. These shifts are more unsettling than if Shadrack and Helene were ancestors of the other characters, generations removed, because the reader would then expect them to disappear. Their initial prominence and later shadowy presence contribute to the reader’s feeling of disruption. The choppy narration of Sula expresses one of its major themes, the fragmentation of both individuals and the community. Sula. New York: Knopf, 1973. Rpt. New York: Penguin, 1982

Friday, September 27, 2019

Baroque Art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Baroque Art - Assignment Example There was great religious turmoil during this time period. This tumultuous force was the Reformation. After Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses, it took relatively little time for northern Europe’s nations to become primarily Protestant, while the southern countries retained and strengthened their Catholic identities during the Counter-Reformation. There was the intense us vs. them battle of religion, and art was in the middle. Once the Reformation began, Protestant leaders such as John Calvin and Huldreich Zwingli encouraged iconoclastic movements, which denounced Catholic imagery as idolatrous and called for its destruction. However, the Protestants did not condemn all art—they chiefly opposed the Catholic religious art, to which Catholics of the time gave reverence. The chief argument between Catholic and Protestant was that the Protestants believed the Catholics held their relics and imagery sacred, instead of revering Christ. In contrast, the Roman Catholic Church had embarked in the 1550s on a program of renewal known as the Counter - Reformation. As part of the program, the Catholic Church used art of the magnificent display for the campaign. It was intended to be both doctrinally correct and visually and emotionally appealing so that it could influence the largest possible audience. Their paintings glorified Catholic traditions, the sacraments, and the saints. Clearly, the content of their work contrasted strongly with that of the northern Protestants’ work.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Father-in-Law and D-Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Father-in-Law and D-Day - Essay Example He signed up and volunteered to be trained as a paratrooper, following the footsteps of his older brother George, who was already in the Army and was fighting with the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division. In August 1941, Chic registered at Fort Devins, Massachusetts and being newly-married and an expert meat cutter, he was told that he would be given consideration to work as a Staff Sergeant at a meat cutting plant in Chicago, preparing meat for the troops. Chic would not have anything of it. So the Army sent him to train as a paratrooper at Camp Taccoa, Georgia. Chic, chuckling during the interview, said that it used to be called Camp Tombs because the camp's site used to be a casket factory. Since he spoke French, was good at photography because of his father, could read maps and the compass very well, and had a good sense of direction, Chic was assigned to work in military intelligence and was trained to be a paratrooper who would be dropped behind enemy lines from a plane so they could check on the enemy, sabotage their transport and communication lines, and give information to American troops on where the enemy was holed up. It was dangerous stuff because these paratroopers would always be the first ones to fight the enemy so they could keep safe those who would come later during the attack (Encarta). From September to October 1941, the training at Camp Tombs turned Chic and thousands of other recruits into hardened young soldiers, preparing them for the tough years ahead. Then off they went to the Parachute School at Fort Benning, Georgia for more training, this time as paratroopers. Chic learned to jump from high altitudes, and shortly before coming home for the Christmas holidays in 1941, he earned his wings (paratroopers who complete their training get a set of golden wings that they proudly display on their uniforms) after his fifth training jump from an airplane thousands of feet up in the sky. The first two jumps were pretty scary, but Chic got the hang of it and found it pretty exciting that he got his wings ahead of the others in his group. In 1942, Chic underwent more paratrooper and combat training Camp McCall in North Carolina, where they practiced landing behind enemy lines, engaging in dangerous maneuvers, and jumping some more from planes. It was perhaps this long training program that kept Chic alive when he finally saw action, although some of his friends who trained with him never survived the war, and some survived but were seriously wounded. Anyway, during the whole time he underwent training, Chic and Lorraine, his wife of less than a year, lived in their own quarters just outside the camp, like other married soldiers did, and this may have been Chic's secret to learning the art of staying alive in the midst of danger. Having someone to come home to somehow sharpens a man's sense of danger and survival, and this made him sensitive to what goes on around him, preventing him from becoming careless (Ambrose). In 1943, Chic was

Essay writing Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Writing - Essay Example This can be done in few simple words and should only contain the main crux of the essay. Once this is done, the researcher should write out a few ideas ‘for’ the topic, and a few ideas ‘against’ the topic. These terms should be what the researcher agrees and disagrees with respectively. b) Building an outline: Once the main ideas are out on paper, it is essential to draw out an outline for the essay (Wyrick, 2007). This should include a few sentences that the researcher might want to include in the essay. An outline is normally built with the following sections: c) Creating a Draft: This is one of the best steps that allow the researcher to complete the basics in the essay. Here the researcher can include all the details of the essay and support the ideas, include facts, figures and details (McClain & Roth, 1998). It is here that the researcher needs to ensure that the introductory paragraph is a strong well decided one, as this plays a very important role in gaining the attention of the reader. d) Revising and reviewing the essay: Once the draft is ready, it is essential to move on to reading the essay and ensuring that the writer is happy with what has been presented. This stage of the essay writing process involves reading and re – reading the essay to ensure that it is clear and covers all the main ideas. Also this is a chance for the researcher to correct any grammatical or spelling errors and to improve the over all essay (Newsweek Education Program, 2003). It is always advisable for the researcher to add or remove a few parts of the essay and try to improve it to the maximum. e) Proof reading the essay: This is the last step for the researcher before submitting the essay. Here it is always better to read the entire essay out loud slowly. This will provide a chance to find any errors, in terms of grammar, spelling, or even punctuations. This step is to try and find all possible errors in the essay

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

High Level business architecture Research Paper

High Level business architecture - Research Paper Example Precisely, high level business needs describe what should be done by a system or any other business solution. For the case of Adopt-A-Farm, it is clear that the company needs to have an online system for collecting their customer and partner views about their experiences in volunteer harvesting and as well list the stories and other help facilities for users of the system. The high level business requirements could therefore be seen as an indication of the reasons as to why a business undertakes an activity (Ross & Robertson, 2006). The requirements are documented as below; The objectives of the high level business requirements for Adopt-A-Farm are to come up with an online system which will increase user participation in the campaign on local farming and purchasing of food products as well as user participation in creation of awareness. It also focuses on having a system for direct user participation in forums and also in commenting about the advantages of local farming. The system should also reach as many people as possible around the globe for the sole reason of creating awareness across nations. The project focuses on listing the stories shared by users about their experiences with consumption of local products in the blog section. From this, users will have a wide variety of content to refer from to gain the taste and to understand the importance of consuming local products and thereafter participating in the campaign with an aim to carb the global warming menace. It also focuses on advising local farmers on the best practices and operations to carry on in their farms which reduce the chances of environmental degradation. Finally, the system will also focus on promoting volunteer harvesting through the creation of a forum for users to comment on their experiences in the exercise. This will be in a bid to encourage people to participate in such exercises whenever they could be having a chance to. Lastly, it is clear that high

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analyse the corporate governance statement of NewsCorp Essay

Analyse the corporate governance statement of NewsCorp - Essay Example With the help of the board which ought not have less than three members, it is expected that the director of the company hold office for only a year (NewsCorp 1). The director also needs to be elected through a majority vote and must enjoy their independence. Under the guideline of the corporate governance, NewsCorp indicates that board meetings are mandatory and reviews of the previous meetings must be done at all times (1). Executive sessions of the non-executive members of the board must also be held without the interference of the board members. Through the board meetings and headship, NewsCorp indicates that it becomes easy for the company to run its affairs (1). The board leader also feels free to manage the affairs of the company as an independent person; thus, effectual consultations and communication with the concerned stakeholders. It is also recommended that the members be keen whilst selecting their leader as leadership determines the kind of performance from the company. Additionally, the board is charged with the responsibility of coming up with various committees to assist the running of the company’s affairs. The committees include the Audit, the Nominating and Corporate Governance; and the Compensation Committees (NewsCorp 1). The committees involve independent directors who operate under Exchange Act and NASDAQ listing standards (NewsCorp 1). It is important to note that these committees have been given the mandate of retaining, deciding and terminating the fees by the consultants and other legal advisors based on their discretion. For instance the compensation & succession committee reviews on compensation issues of the CEO based on their performance as well as his/her compensation. This is done by assessing the potential of the existing members in the company, and who would be the best suitor in the company’s next management (NewsCorp 1). In terms of ethical standards of the company, the corporate governance does not hesitate t o specify its requirements from its members. NewsCorp indicates that the Board of Directors of the Company are keen to ensure that its members act in utmost integrity and respect to all employees in the company regardless of their affiliation (1). With the adoption of the Standards of Business Conduct, the board ensures that all the employees comply with the code of conduct. The company can therefore be argued to comply with the utmost standards of ethics. However, compliance with the ethics would not be achievable if the company did not have a chain of communication. The board then ensures that all the members have access to the ethics code and that they understand its contents well. For instance in relation to conflicts in the company, the members are aware of the procedures to follow, the same case applies in terms of property information and interaction with other persons such as government officials (NewsCorp 1). Employees are also conversant with what needs to be done in the e vent of harassment and safety of the workplace (NewsCorp 1). The CEO and financial officers are also not exempted from the code of conduct. Through its board, the Company felt the need for protecting its whistleblowers. However, stockholder communication has also been provided for, since it allows for effective communication with all the stakeholders of the company (NewsCorp 1). This

Monday, September 23, 2019

Foreign Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Foreign Policy - Research Paper Example From there, as regards the incumbent, a voter will decide if that president really did all he could do to achieve his promises to the American people. There, of course, can be extenuating circumstances as to why one or more goals were not achieved and this factor, or factors, should also be taken into consideration for the overall summary. Barack Obama and his administration have delivered most of the promises made four years ago, and for not kept, there are certainly circumstances that affect the American people, and Obama as well, that no one can do anything about. In choosing to support Obama’s foreign policy, the reason is that he has done the most of any recent presidents to bring peace between America and the rest of world, in so much as he has been able to do so. OUTLINE OF BARACK OBAMA’S FOREIGN POLICY SUCCESSES The Obama/Biden website shows how he has ended the war in Iraq, returning control and security to the people of Iraq so that they can conduct their affa irs on their own. While there are certainly still problems on the ground between Muslim sects, these are issues that must be controlled and solved by the ruling party of Iraq. At this point, it is not up to America to rule this country or to provide more help in the way of troops and arms. Those that the Americans military have trained, are now fully sufficient to take care of matters on their own. Obama has kept his promise to bring home the troops in Iraq and this has brought peace to Iraq (Barack Obama web). Living in the Middle East, the consequences of his influence is plain to see in how he has helped to promote peace through several countries when he has supported the overthrow of dictators’ regimes, leaders who have terrorized their people for decades. He has gone out of his way to promote cordial relationships with new leaders and encourage and supported the new regimes put in place by each country’s people. From there, he does not interfere further with a cou ntry’s politics but instead, supports from afar, what new regimes are trying to do for their people (Barack Obama web). Governor Mitt Romney, however, while promoting peace also, would be more inclined to put troops on the ground should the occasion arise. This creates the potential for another possible war, which no one wants. Romney also stands very firmly on the position of the red line which is held on Iran, a potential spot for nuclear development, and Romney has indicated he would go to war should Iran bomb Israel. While Obama will be cutting defense expenditures, Romney intends to eliminate that action and instead, double the money to the military to make sure they have everything they need. It is not clear how he would get the money however (Arquilla web). Other points to be made here is that Obama has set the deadline for American troops in Afghanistan to come home in 2013 and currently has also had American troops teach local Afghan troops how to use and bear arms s o that they, too, will also be the peacekeepers in Afghanistan, much as those in Iraq currently are. Al-Qaeda has been significantly weakened in the Middle East since the beginning of the Iraqi war, allowing for the peoples here in many countries to experience freedom in living their daily lives. (Barack Obama web). Obama has also met with many of the leaders in the Middle East to help promote the end of nuclear weapons, particularly where Iran and North Korea are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Explore the differences in the ways Hamlet and Laertes go about seeking revenge Essay Example for Free

Explore the differences in the ways Hamlet and Laertes go about seeking revenge Essay This essay will consider the relevance of father/son relationships to motive for and the manner of revenge, the initial responses of both Hamlet and Laertes to the news of the murder of their father. Finally I will conclude by comparing how Hamlets and Laertes responses each compare with Fortinbras responses to his fathers death. The relationship each son had with his father is important, because it can be seen what motivates them for revenge, and whether or not their fathers influence inspires such vengeance. Hamlets relationship with his father is only shown after his demise. This is the only way we are able to see father and son interact. What we do see of this indicates that they do not have a good relationship, as the ghost of Hamlets father takes no pains to cover up the torment he endures beyond the grave. The ghost wants Hamlet to revenge his foul and most unnatural murder and warns that he would find Hamlet a fat weed that roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf if he did not avenge his death. The ghost might have said this quite scathingly, perhaps because he is aware of Hamlets tendency to contemplate every action, and failure to get things done quickly. The love in this relationship is clearly one sided, Hamlet later on in the play, in Act 3 Scene 3-4 shows his mother a picture of his late father and a picture of Claudius. He bitterly comments on how superior his father is with his Hyperion curls, grace and eye like Mars to threaten and command compared to Claudius. He is furious and obviously holds his father in high regard. The abnormality of Hamlets situation is emphasised when the ghost appears before Hamlet and his mother in act 3 Scene 4. When Hamlets situation is compared to the relationship Laertes shares with his father, the result is starkly different. They both appear to have a very close father-son relationship and in Act 1 scene 3 we can see a conversation between them, where Polonius is giving Laertes fatherly advice on how to behave when in Paris. Among the many aphorisms given by Polonius, he warns Laertes too not give any unproportioned thought his act; Later on in the play, we can of course, see that Laertes ignores this heartfelt piece of advice when seeking revenge on Hamlet. Through not sitting down and thinking the situation out calmly, he jumped to the wrong conclusions. Polonius went so far as to ask for Claudius permission for Laertes to leave for Paris on Laertes behalf. The language he uses such as he wrung from me my slow leave does not suggest anything other than a father who carries nothing but deep affection for his son, and does not which to see him leave. No sooner are we shown the cruel and malicious treatment of Hamlet by hid dead father, then we are shown the stark contrast of Laertes and Polonius concerned and endearingly caring farewell conversation. As well as having completely different familial relationships, Hamlet and Laertes themselves form one of the most important polarities in all of the play. This is important in understanding why both characters have different methods of avenging their fathers. As the plot progresses, Hamlets hesitance and general inability to obtain his fathers revenge, will be heavily contrasted with Laertes fierce willingness to avenge his fathers death. Before Hamlet spoke to the ghost, he didnt know that his father had been murdered. When the ghost asks him to revenge his foul and most unnatural murder Hamlet replies Murder? the question mark in this statement indicates that Hamlet had not considered seriously the idea that his father had been murdered, and that it had taken him by surprise. Hamlet has been delivered a double shock. He was already grieving for his fathers death and is now confronted by the fact that he was murdered. The ghost exhorts Hamlet to seek revenge and Hamlet, who is intensely moved, swears to remember, obey, and sweep to his revenge. Whereas Hamlet doesnt quite trust the ghost and seeks to test Claudius guilt himself by staging a play based on the murder, Laertes sees no cause to disbelieve the method in which his father died. Laertes instantly trusts Claudius word that Hamlet is his fathers murderer. Laertes is a complete foil for Hamlet in some actions; his cry for vengeance is an absolute contrast to Hamlets timorous testing for the ghosts truthfulness. Laertes acts as the wronged son operation in open fury who dates damnation; He has all the moral legitimacy that Claudius lacks and that Hamlet has forfeited through not acting quick enough and procrastination too much. Hamlet, however, does have powerful and genuine incitement a dear father murderd as one soliloquy puts it and a mother staind as does another. Laertes confronts the king in Act 4, Scent 5. He demands where is my father how came he dead? Ill be revenged most thoroughly for my father believing Claudius to be the perpetrator of his fathers murder. The words that Laertes utters could quite easily have come from Hamlets mouth. You can almost hear the bitterness and scarcely contained fury in Laertes tone as he said these words. It is poignant that whereas Hamlet took time to establish Claudius s guilt for himself, Laertes had jumped in at the deep-end and confronted the king wrongfully. Claudius managed to diffuse the situation by giving very short snappy answers such as dead by saying this; he is showing that he is being honest and up-front with Laertes and giving no excuses. In Act 4, Scent 7 Laertes initial fury has calmed down, although he remains extremely confident about the task ahead. He thinks about Hamlets dirty deed and his noble father lost; he welcomes Hamlets return so that he can tell him to his teeth though didest thou. Every word he says invites comparison with Hamlet. When he arrived at the palace to challenge the king, Laertes brought with him a riotous head who cried, Laertes shall be king! He is obviously very angry, and this can be seen in the manner in which he speaks to Claudius. He calls him a vile king, dares damnation, and vows to the blackest devil! He obviously wants to make very clear his feelings on the matter of his fathers death and wants revenge. It can also be seen that he has dispelled any respect he had for Claudius. This is different from Hamlet, because although Hamlet is not overly polite to the king, he does not openly defy him as Laertes does in this scene.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Causes and Effects of Teenage Smoking

Causes and Effects of Teenage Smoking INTRODUCTION We are all aware that teen smoking is becoming one of the most leading and real issue faced by many countries especially in the Philippines. For others, smoking is a kind of offense or a crime. But for the teens, this is just some sort of relaxation. Teens who start smoking as their habit can contribute their self in the increasing numbers of adult smokers in the future because young people are especially vulnerable to the pressure to start smoking. There are many reasons why young people smoke: lack of information about smoking; social pressure; peer pressure and many reasons to be discussed why youth choose to start smoking at their early ages. Smoking is found to be one of the causes of damage to nearly every organ system in the body. (The Effect of Smoking on Human Health, 2008). It is a major cause of heart attack and stroke. Smoking is a kind of addiction especially for teens where this habit is hard to break but it is their responsibility whether they will choose to continue o r to stop smoking. Although you may not think about the risks every time you smoke, smoking is not only dangerous; it is life-threatening. Teens must know what side effects smoking can bring to us. Thesis Statement Teen smoking is a hazard to life and it has become very common. Teen smokers and even the non smoker must realize the effects of smoking, the reasons why teenagers smoke and how well do we understand smoking. II. EFFECTS OF SMOKING This is what smoking affects your body. There’s no safe way to smoke, replacing your cigarette with cigar or pipe won’t help. Smoking affects you in many ways.( American Academy of Pediatrics,2010) Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke takes oxygen from your body while many cancer-causing chemicals go in. Your teeth and nails turn yellow and disgusting and your breath stinks. You cannot taste or smell things very well. Nicotine, the main drug in tobacco, causes your heart to beat faster and work less effectively. Nicotine is highly addictive. Short-term and Long term Effects of Smoking Short-term effects of smoking includes: coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and more frequent respiratory illnesses. Teens who exposed to second hand smoke has the possibility to have asthma, infections on the lower respiratory, rates of ear and eye infection are higher .This is why smokers often suffer shortness of breath and worrying coughs. They often tire quickly during physical activity. Long term effects of smoking includes cancer of the lungs and other part of the body and if smokers have wounds, it will not recover quickly compared to non-smokers and it also affect the immune system which help us to protect form different diseases. Can smoking affect our vision? Smoking is not only bad for our body it is also bad for our eyes because smoking can lead to different eye infections. Smoking is linked to increase the hazard of having eye blindness and people who smoke have double the risk of developing cataracts compared with non-smokers. The effects of cigarette smoking like heart disease, cancer, are very familiar but many of us don’t know that sight threatening vision and eye problems also exist. Quitting smoking is an effective way to lessen the different possible eye diseases you may occur. How Cigarettes cause cancer? The different substances in cigarettes can lead to many problems and especially can lead you to your death. When you inhale smoke, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread around the rest of your body. Smoking causes lung cancer. Lung cancer has one of the lowest survival rates of all cancers, and is the most common cause of cancer death. The good news is that, this health problem is preventable, by giving up smoking quickly. Smoking can also increase the risk of other cancers including cancers of thelarynx, esophagus, mouth, stomach, sinus and many more. Some of these cancers may lead to leukemia which will cause to death. It is also possible that smoking could increase the risk of breast cancer both in men and women, but whatever cancer you will have because of smoking, there’s still a chance or way to stop the risk of cancer in your body by giving up smoking, it’s the only way on how you can prevent of having cancers. How smokings affect our throat? Throat is also affected if you smoke. Heart disease, respiratory failure, lung cancer and throat cancer are equally dangerous. By exposing the larynx to the chemicals during inhalation will increase the risk of having throat cancer. Larynx is where the vocal cord is located which plays an important role in breathing, eating and speaking. Hoarseness of voice as well as difficulty in speaking, breathing and eating is an early symptom of throat cancer but you can immediately cure this if you stop cigarette smoking. Do all teenagers know the effects of smoking? Maybe they know or not or they just neglect it. Other teenagers are not educated well like the teens that came from a poor family or unable to go to school. They just know that if they smoke too much that is the time that will affect its body but they don’t know that every piece of cigarettes they smoke have the chemicals that affect its body and brain. These chemicals can cause immediate damage to the human body. Smoking is awful Teens who smoke are three times more likely than non smokers to use alcohol. Most teens would rather choose to have friends who do not smoke. You may not feel or smell smoke on you, but people who are with you can smell it. Kissing someone who smokes is like kissing an ashtray If you smoke, chances are people don’t want to be around you REASON WHY TEENS START SMOKING As we all known, smoking is perilous to our health. Smoking can cause cancers of the lungs, larynx, kidneys as well as death. Many teen smokers knows what’s the effect of smoking but why they keep smoking? There are several reasons why teens continue smoking in spite of imminence to their health. The main reason of teen smoking is the Peer Influence. They smoke because their friends do as it give them a sense of belonging, many adult smokers start smoking in their teenage days. Friends are with you whether you are in ups or down of your life. But, we must know who to friends too. Because friends can make our life happier but sometimes they become a bad influence to your lifestyle. Some teens can’t just say no to their friends. As a teenager we must learn how to say no to prevent scuffle of priorities and sometimes to prevent bad habits. Family Problems is another reason, not all teenagers came from a happy or stable family. Some teenagers are abused by their parents or parents who are separated or it’s either the both of them who has the problem that cause its broken family. Because of the problems at Home, teenagers may start smoking as a sign of resentment. They want to show to their parents that they are rebelling because of them, so they start smoking. Parents can influence their child to start smoking. in the way that their child see them smokes. Their child or teens may think that smoking is a good habit or a sign of being mature because their parents do. Parents should teach their child good habits but as their child see their bad habits; it is possible for the parents to have their child with a bad habit too. Boredom and Image. Boredom might be the reason why teenagers will start smoke because not all teenagers are involved on any sports or any organizations in their schools. That’s why they get bored at home and nothing else to do but to watch television, taking care of their siblings or go online and playing computer games. Because of this everyday’s piece of work they decided to do something new that will excites them. Smoking seems to be the answer. Because some teens think that if they smoke they will appear cool for others. They believe that it improves their self-image because nowadays to have a cool self image to others is important for many teenagers. And lastly, Stress. Stress is said to be one of the reasons why teens start smoking, it only means that teens think smoking can release stress and can relieved their weariness. That’s why the more teens feel stressed the longer they will smoke. Compared to non-smokers, smokers have higher levels of stress in life. Therefore, it is necessary to quit smoking to avoid some health issues that can arise from stress and fret. UNDERSTANDING SMOKING What I would like to do in this article is help us, as a teenager, to understand why so many teenagers start smoking. If we understand why teenagers start smoking, chances are we will not smoke. This research will provide us enough information that will enable teen smokers to discourage in using cigarette. Also, the result of this study will educate readers and enlighten the information about the negative effects of smoking to our health. According to Ginzel, M.D.(2003), each time you take a puff on a cigarette, you inhale 400 toxic chemicals like Nicotine (A drop of pure nicotine can kill.) Cyanide (a deadly poison) Benzene (used in making paints, dyes, and plastics) Formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies) Acetylene (fuel used in torches) and Ammonia (used in fertilizers) People around smokers (Second hand smoke) Second hand smokes is define as the smoke breathe out by a smoker, which inhale by a non smoker. Even if you don’t smoke, second hand smoke can also affect a non smoker health just by inhaling this kind of smoke. Smokers can implicate non smoker’s health just by being around them. Furthermore, the more you are around smoker the higher instance of having smoking-related disease. Second hand smoke affects the health as you inhale them, it means this smoke doesn’t just impact e teenager’s life in the near future in fact; it can affect the health right now. For example, a healthy child having his/her singing career who inhales second hand smoke could have nagging coughs and colds as nuisance for him/her. There are many reasons of smoking but effects of smoking to humans are the same which is to damage every organ in the body. Third Hand Smoke You may not see nor feel it, but smoke clings to hair, walls, beddings, carpets, dust, hair, skin, and furniture which is called third hand smoke. Even if you do not smoke, third hand smoke is also dangerous because it could be responsible for many health problems, including asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Third hand smoke cant be eliminated just by opening windows, using fans or air conditioners, removing dampness from rooms or constraining smoking to only certain areas of a home. The only way to protect non smokers from third hand smoke is to create a smoke-free environment or smoke in public places where people are far away from you. Population of Teen Smokers Teen smoking cigarettes a hazard to life have become very common. The number of teen smokers is getting larger and larger every day just because smoking becomes a growing trend in the youth community. Smoking has many short term or long term effects on its users. Many adult smokers start while they are still teens and still continue and decided not to stop it. Smoking is a very addictive habit especially for the teens, there’s no other way to prevent these harmful effects but to stop cigarette smoking. Teen Smoking -some facts Cigarette smoking is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. (World Health Organization, 2014) Teen smokers are more likely to have panic attacks, anxiety disorders and depression. 1 of 5 teenagers who are addicted to cigarettes smokes 13-15 a day. 90 percent of smokers began before the age 21. Smoking can age skin faster, second only to the effect sun exposure has on giving premature wrinkles On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than non smokers. Benefits of quitting smoking for teenagers Quitting smoking can be a very big help to your lifestyle and especially to your health. As a teenager you still have a time to quit smoking, for you to gain your healthy lifestyle again. The sooner you quit smoking, the more you have the confidence that the risk of getting cancer will be lessened or if you have some serious diseases it is possible that it will heal faster because of quitting smoking. You are no longer prone to smoking- related disease if you stop smoking and if this happen you will enjoy your life without worrying and you will have more time for your loved ones. Maybe 2 in 3 teen smokers want to stop smoking because of the problems they have right now. Some people can’t give up easily; the most important aspect on giving up smoking is determination. At the end, you’re the only one who will decide whether you will stop smoking or not because it is your own body who will experience different illnesses. For teen smokers, it is important to remember some things that will help them hamper their bad habits. Maintaining to have a good health of your family, friends and loved ones are the best motivator for you to quit smoking. Here are some health benefits when you quit smoking: It will helps you breathe easier Quitting smoking will make your lifespan longer Ex-smokers is possible to have wither teeth Sense of smell and taste will improve if you stop smoking Stop smoking for younger and healthy skin Stop smoking to have more energy for your work, sports, friends and other activities. Quitting smoking to protect your loved ones from third hand and second hand smoke Conclusion Teen smoking is a hazard to life and it has become very common. Smoking can affect not only a smoker’s health even the non-smoker around him/her. Non smoker are suffering from different illnesses like nose and eye infections, coughs, colds and headaches. It is because of second hand smoke they inhale, even if teen smokers think that smoking can relieved stress and perceived that it helps them to relax, they don’t know that many chemicals from cigarettes are coming inside to their body, there are many negative effects of smoking which can cause damage to your health and it is not only a health threat for the smokers, but for the non smoker too. Smoking distracts many people and it’s because of their unhealthy habits. Smokers should quit, stopping the increasing numbers of smoker and for us to have a healthy environment. References Unknown. (2014). Youth Smoking. Retrieved from Unknown. (2014). Health Effects of Tobacco. Retrieved from From Anonymous. (2010). Tobacco Smoking. Retrieved from Anonymous. (2010). Tean Smoking. Retrieved from Unknown. (2014) Effects of Smoking Retrieved from Hyde, M. O., Setaro, J. F. (2006). Smoking 101: An overview for Teen. New York, NY: Twenty-First Century Books McMillan, D. (1998). Teen Smoking: Understanding the Risk. San Francisco, CA: Enslow Moe, B. A. (2000). Teen Smoking and Tobacco Use: A Hot Issue. Pennyslavania, PA: Enslow Slovic, P. (2001). Smoking risk, perception, and policy. New York, NY: SAGE Publications Torr, J. D. (2001) Smoking. New York, NY: Greenhaven Press